Why does content marketing work better for HVAC companies that are storytellers?
Does it seem like your competitors have their content marketing dialed in, while you are still struggling to figure out what exactly they’re doing? You don’t have to be left behind. You’re about to discover the answer to why does content marketing work for some, but not others.
Once you understand the importance of storytelling in your content marketing strategy, you will enjoy a boost in traffic and sales. People want to feel connected to you and your company. It’s easier to encourage a personal connection with stories than facts and figures.
So don’t be shy! Get creative with your content. Don’t just tell prospective clients why you’re the best HVAC company in town – show them with a story.
Check out this piece from Fast Company that’ll illustrate the power of storytelling – and then use it to separate yourself from your competitors.
What grabs your attention more: a list full of ingredients like acacia gum, oligiosaccharide, and glutemate or a story about one company’s mission to bring the tangy sweetness of a blueberry and the warming power of a bowl of oatmeal to kitchen tables around the world?
While both speak to Kashi’s company mission of making healthy food available to everyone, the second choice seems far more compelling.
This makes sense, especially considering recent findings of a Nielsen study that show consumers want a more personal connection in the way they gather information.
Are we surprised, though?
Numerous studies over the years have proven that our brains are far more engaged by storytelling than the cold, hard facts.
When reading straight data, only the language parts of our brains work to decode the meaning. But when we read a story, not only do the language parts of our brains light up, but any other part of the brain that we would use if we were actually experiencing what we’re reading about becomes activated as well.
What this means is that it’s far easier for us to remember stories than the cold hard facts because our brains make little distinction between an experience we are reading about and one that is actually happening.
In addition to this, our brains are insanely greedy for stories. We spend about a third of our lives daydreaming—our minds are constantly looking for distractions—and the only time we stop flitting from daydream to daydream is when we have a good story in front of us.
Top brands like LinkedIn, Coca Cola, Etsy—the list goes on—harness this science to their advantage through content marketing that focuses on the story.
While Americans consume more than 100,000 digital words every day according to this infographic from content marketing platform OneSpot, 92% of these consumers want to internalize those words in the form of a story.
There are a number of rules and guides out there for how to best tell a story; you should at least check out The 10 Commandments of Content.
via: http://www.fastcompany.com/3031419/hit-the-ground-running/why-our-brains-crave-storytelling-in-marketing
Stories sell, and now you know why. Does content marketing work for every business? We haven’t seen a company that’s not grown its presence just by telling its story – and telling the story of how it’s solved problems for its customers.
If you could use some help telling the story of YOUR business, just get in touch.